Posted on 06.27.2024 by Gerald Fry

Custom Bearing Measurement System by TYKMA Electrox

Last Updated on Jun 28, 2024

Blog News

At TYKMA Electrox, our Special Projects Team specializes in delivering solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our latest project highlights our commitment to innovation and precision engineering: a custom-built machine designed specifically for the accurate measurement of industrial bearings. This project represents a significant milestone for our team, as it marks the first custom system we’ve developed that doesn’t utilize our signature laser technology for marking and engraving.

Check out our quick video below, demonstrating the function of the machine.

Key Features of the Custom Bearing Measurement System

1. Dual-Side Entry and Exit:

TYKMA Bearing Measurement System Front View

The machine features two openings—one on the right side for bearing entry and one on the left for exit. This design seamlessly integrates with the customer’s conveyor belt system, ensuring a smooth flow of bearings through the measurement process.

2. Precision Conveyor Integration:

Bearing Measurement System Interior

Bearings are delivered to the machine via a conveyor belt. They line up and slide across industrial plastic surfaces to ensure minimal friction and wear.

3. Bearing Guiding Mechanism:

TYKMA bearing measurement system bearing entrance

An overhead x-axis equipped with a y-axis arm and dual metal prongs precisely guides each bearing to the rotating platform. This mechanism ensures that each bearing is accurately positioned for measurement.

4. High-Accuracy Optical Measurement:

TYKMA bearing measurement system software view of measuring function

The core of the system’s measurement capability lies in the use of Keyence TM-X5120 optical measurement devices. Positioned on either side of the rotating platform, these devices provide accurate measurements up to three decimal places. As each bearing rotates, its dimensions are captured and displayed on a monitor, complete with a silhouette for visual reference.

5. Bearing Handling:

TYKMA bearing measurement system adjustable bumper dials

Post-measurement, the overhead arm transfers the bearing to the exit side, ready to be moved onto the customer’s conveyor belt. The system is designed to handle a wide range of bearing sizes, thanks to adjustable bumpers. These bumpers can be easily adjusted using mechanical wheels located at the front of the machine.

6. Custom Engineering Capabilities:

This project highlights the capabilities of our Special Projects Team, who engineered this measuring device from the ground up. It showcases our ability to adapt and innovate beyond our traditional laser marking and engraving systems.

Why This Machine Matters

This custom bearing measurement system is a testament to our engineering capabilities and our dedication to meeting customer-specific requirements. By integrating precise optical measurement with a simple handling mechanism, we’ve created a system that ensures accuracy and efficiency in the manufacturing process.

Developing Non-Laser Solutions

While we are renowned for our laser marking and engraving systems, this project demonstrates our capability to innovate beyond our core technology, providing custom solutions that address a wide range of industrial needs.

Pushing Boundaries, Delivering Solutions

TYKMA Electrox Facility Front Exterior June 2024

At TYKMA Electrox, we are continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in custom machine design. Our new bearing measurement system is not just a machine; it’s a solution tailored to the specific needs of our client, delivering precision, innovation, and adaptability.

If you’re interested in learning more about this project or exploring how our Special Projects Team can create a custom solution for your needs, please contact us today. Together, we can engineer the future of industrial manufacturing.

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